Centrelink states that you must meet the following criteria to be eligible to join our Disability Employment Service.
You must:
- Be aged at least 14 but have not yet attained the Age Pension qualifying age
- Have access to transport and with minimal help be able to travel to and from workplaces
- Be prepared to work more than eight hours per week
- Need support to obtain and maintain employment
- Be willing to work and accept suitable job opportunities if they are offered to you
- Be receiving appropriate support for any condition you may have (eg: doctor, psychiatrist, mental health case manager)
- Be living in stable accommodation
We also ask that our participants:
- Be willing to keep in contact on a regular basis with their Employment Consultant (whether by phone, or by attending regular sessions)
- Be contactable on short notice (for interview and employment vacancy purposes)
- Be willing to travel a reasonable distance from where they live to find work
- Be realistic and flexible in the types of work they are willing to consider
- Be willing to accept guidance and professional advice from their Employment Consultant
There are a few ways you can access echo Disability Employment Services. You can be referred by Centrelink or you can register with us directly.
You can directly register with echo by contacting your local echo office and a friendly consultant will help guide you through the process. Or fill out the contact form below and we will be in touch to help get you started.
When you visit Centrelink, you have have your ability to work assessed through an Employment Services Assessment which determines the minimum hours of employment you are able to work each week. If you are eligible for Disability Employment Services, you will be recommended to a DES provider.